Certified CPTED Practitioner Banner

Certified CPTED Practitioner Process

Certified CPTED Practitioner (CCP) designation will start in the fall of 2021. For those wanting to become Certified CPTED Practitioners the process will involve the following steps:

    1. Complete the 4-day Level 1 Basic CPTED Course.
    2. Pass the in-course Level 1 Test.
    3. Complete the 4-day Level 2 Advanced CPTED Course.
    4. Conduct a CPTED Review of a Hot Spot / Problematic Site (in your jurisdiction) and create a CPTED Assessment Report or create a CPTED Review Report of a New Development and submit either Report for review.
    5. Complete the 2-day Level 3 CPTED Course and Course Test.
    6. Complete the Site Plan Evaluation Exercise and submit to the Liahona Security for review.

After successfully completing this process, a Certified CPTED Practitioner Certificate will be issued by Liahona Security.

Certified CPTED Practitioners will be listed on the Liahona Security Webpage and be made available to authorized inquiring agencies / businesses.